As the Chinese begin the week long celebrations to welcome the Lunar New Year, we have a look at some of the specially designed, limited edition stamps created across the world to honour the start of the Chinese New Year. These can come in a variety of designs, but often have something to do with the Zodiac animal of that year. As this year is the year of the horse, many of the New Lunar Year stamps will feature the design of a horse.

Singapore’s Design for Year of the Horse 2014
Some stamps are available only as collector’s items, whereas others can actually be used as real stamps. Sheets of specially designed Lunar New Year stamps will sometimes come on a printed background that has the phrase ‘Happy New Year’ written in both English and Chinese written across the top, or down the side. Sheets will also typically have a design printed on the background of fireworks, or a traditional Chinese dragon.
Why not use your recently acquired Lunar Festival stamps to send a parcel to China or send a package to a friend or relative living overseas? With RAND Logistics, we can ensure that your package gets to its intended recipient quickly and safely.