Chinese New Year Celebrations – Day 1

Last Friday was Chinese New Year, and with it marks the start of traditional Chinese New Year’s celebrations. These celebrations will happen over the course of the next week and will involve cleaning out the house in preparation for the New Year, hanging paper lanterns and other colourful decorations about the house, painting to bring in the New Year, and a whole host of other traditions that sees 2014 as starting afresh!

chinese new year

2014 is the year of the horse, which surprisingly, means prosperity and wealth for all those not born in the year of the horse. According to superstitions, in your zodiac year you will offend Tai Sui, so those born in the year of the horse may suffer from bad luck. Horses can offset this by wearing the horses lucky colours; red, green or purple.

Like January the 1st represents a new start for many other cultures, the 31st January represents a clean slate in China. The Chinese will often send gifts of money and food to their family friends and business partners in order to amend relationships. Why not send a heartfelt gift to a friend or relative living abroad, to imitate the ‘new beginnings’ attitude brought about by the Chinese New Year, using RAND Logistics?

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