Tips for Protecting Your eBay Parcel

Christmas time has to be one of the busiest times for RAND and it’s usually due to the large amounts of gifts being sent across the world in time for the big day. In addition, eBay is seeing an incredible amount of people buying and selling their items as people look to find the perfect gift for their loved one. It’s important that you are aware of the basics when it comes to shipping parcels in order to protect the cherished item, so here’s a few tips for all you eBay sellers out there who plan on using RAND Logistics in the near future.

You should always box an item and this really should go without being mentioned. However, you should also fill out the box with protective layering in case the box is thrown about on its way to the addressee, so using bubble wrap to fill out the box is ideal. Try to make sure that the object is fully concealed in the box, however difficult it is to do so. You wouldn’t want to lose parts of the item in the shipping process.

If you’re searching around your home for the perfect box to fit your gift but simply can’t find one, there are a number of packaging techniques and items you can make the most of. From polystyrene and shredded newspaper through to bubble wrap and further empty boxes, there are all sorts of materials you can make the most of. The trick is to keep any spaces in the box covered.

RAND Logistics is a certified eBay courier and we strive to provide the best services for our eBay sellers so you don’t have to be concerned about items going missing in transit. So if you plan on shipping an item to your latest eBay buyer make sure you use the services RAND Logistics has to offer!

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