January – The Birth of the Prophet Muhammad

Earlier this week, Muslims across the world celebrated the birthday of the prophet Muhammad. Mawlid an-Nabi or “Birth of the Prophet” is an annual celebration that takes place in most countries with an Islamic population or culture. It is only observed by Muslims. The term Mawlid is used in countries such as Egypt to symbolise the birthday of many other religious and historical figures. Countries such as Egypt, Dubai and Morocco regularly observe Mawlid on January 14th as these countries host a large Islamic population.

Muslims observe this date by treating it as a national holiday. The celebrations are similar to that of “Eid”, with large firework displays, decorated crowds and prayers all dominating the schedule of the day. Friends and family will meet and share a meal together after gathering at a mosque for prayers. Many countries will show programmes that commemorate the event, especially in places like Egypt and the U.A.E. Interestingly, Saudi Arabians tend not to celebrate the birth of the prophet as it is not a significant date registered in the Qur’an.

Are you planning on sending something to a family member or friend to commemorate Mawlid an-Nabi? RAND Logistics provide an international delivery service to the U.A.E and other countries that celebrate the event.  Take a look at our range of services or you can contact us for more information regarding your shipment.